Request to parents

  • The school expects that the parents will supervise the studies of their children and will take keen interest in their day today needs like cut, notebook etc.
  • Visit the school and meet the Principal and teachers on day set apart for a parent – teacher meeting to know the progress of your wards. Attendance in parents meeting is compul-sory.
  • The Cooperation of the parents is indispensable for bet-ter performance of their wards.
  • Exemption of pupils from attending assembly, Physical train-ing, games etc will only be granted on medical grounds;
  • Parents must encourage their children to take part in the co-curricular and extra-curricular activities of the school.
  • Check your ward’s diary and note any written communica-tion or homework given and see that it is done.
  • Parents are not allowed to meet the students or teachers directly during working hours, but only with the permission from the Principal.
  • Parents are free to talk to the Principal directly during work-ing hours on matters related to their children.
  • Parents are requested to attend all public functions held in the school.
  • Parents are advised to remit the fees directly, instead of entrusting it to the child, on the stipulated date.
  • The school authorities have the right to change the uniform of the students during an interval of three to five years.
  • Parents are responsible to obey the instructions given byCentral Govt,State Govt.H.R.D Ministry, CBSE etc in time to time


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